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D'agostino, Marcelo, Pan American Health Organization
Damle, Aditya, CEO, MEDgle Inc.
Dawes, Martin, McGill University
De Andrés Galiana, Enrique, Institute of Health Carlos III
De Demir, Marc, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona
De Jong, Nynke, Technology provider
De Vries, Theo, Professor partner University
Debronkart, E-patient Dave, Society for Participatory Medicine
Den Braber, Maarten, Masters graduate/University of Twente (NL), Cofounder/NextHealth (NL), tech innovator & organizer/Mobile Monday (MoMo) Amsterdam (NL), Engineer/Event Engineers (NL)
Domenighini, Serena, Section of Hygiene Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Experimental and Applied Medicine – University of Brescia
Drennan, Judy, Queensland Univeristy of Technology
Dzenowagis, Joan H., World Health Organization

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