Medicine 2.0'12 is less than 24 hours away - here is what to do before the conference 1. Download PDFs of the program and the abstracts to your iPad or laptop. As the abstracts book has almost 400 pages, there will be no printed copies at the conference. Read the program and the abstracts on the plane! 2. Use the MySchedule feature on our website to plan ahead on presentations you want to hear. With over 300 presentations and 4 parallel sessions it is essential to spend some thought on what you want to attend! 3. Browse the list of attendees/speakers and connect with those you want to meet through the Medicine 2.0 social network. We have almost 500 attendees from 36 countries this year! 4. Badges have QR codes linking to profile pages of attendees. If you are logged in, the connection will be logged ("I met this person") when you scan the QR code. Have your username/password for the website ready and download a QR-Reader software on your smartphone/iPad (search the app store for "QR"). This enables you to scan in the badges of people you meet and connect with them on the social network. 5. Come to the conference center between 5-7pm today (Friday Sep 14th) and pick up your delegate bag and program. If you are presenting tomorrow morning, you can also already load your presentation on our presentation Macs. 6. BTW - Medicine 2.0'12 in Boston is sold out at this point with almost 500 participants. However, we will be webcasting the auditorium - point friends and colleagues to webcast registration to sign up 7. If you are still preparing your presentation, make sure you read the Instructions for Presenters |
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