While we are still fine-tuning the program, we have released a tentative schedule - the most dense and amazing #med2 program ever! If you login, go to the abstract page (click any title link) and add your favorite presentations to MySchedule, which will make it easier for you to keep track of the presentations you want to hear. Participants arriving early note that there is a pre-event social mixer on Thursday evening (in addition to the official conference reception on Saturday evening), and a Healthcamp un-conference on Friday. Please also plan to pick up your registration package on Friday before the conference. If you haven't done so already, make sure you register (we have less than 50 tickets left!). We also have a new registration option for those who cannot make it to Boston: Webcast Registration! Watch a live-stream of the presentations in the auditorium (and access the recorded sessions afterwards). Please be advised that most of the hotels in the area are nearly booked out, so if you haven't done so already, book your hotel room! |
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