The response to our Medicine 2.0'12 Call for Abstracts was amazing and broke all records - this year we received over 340 abstracts - a 226% increase over last years' Medicine 2.0 at Stanford. Thank you! This will be a great conference! Given the response we now anticipate that the conference will sell out (the space is limited to about 400 participants), so we suggest to register early to secure your ticket and also to benefit from the pre-program rate (once the program is published, rates will go up). For those who have submitted abstracts, we anticipate to send out notifications end of March/early April. Please login to check the status of your submission if you have not heard from us by mid-April (your spamfilter may have eaten our notification email). Once your abstract has been accepted, you have 2 weeks to register for the conference. Due to the limited speaking slots and large number of submissions, we ask you to register immediately to confirm your participation - failure to register may lead to loss of the speaking slot. |
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