Medicine 2.0'12 has revised its timelines to allow authors of "research in progress" to edit their submitted abstracts (if they are accepted) until July 15th, 2012. This was announced today by the organizing committee of the 5th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Medicine and Health, which will take place in Boston on Sept 15-16th, 2012. "The Web and mHealth are fast moving fields, so it makes sense to break with some of the inflexible traditions of traditional academic conferences, where an abstract that is somewhat vague on results would just be rejected", says Gunther Eysenbach, producer of the Medicine 2.0 conference series. "For a conference in this field, innovation is as important as rigorous research, and we see value in having people present ongoing work." Apart from having the practice and the business track, where the emphasis is on innovation, the new late abstract editing deadline allows authors of submitted abstracts in the research track, which at the time of submission in March merely promised results (but don't have them yet), to add results to their abstract as late as 8 weeks before the conference. Research abstracts which contain the phrase "research in progress" will typically initially be accepted as poster or as oral rapid fire presentation. If more results are added by the July 15th deadline, and the author requests a longer presentation, the program committee may upgrade the format, provided the results are interesting enough to justify a full presentation, and space permitting. The deadline for regular abstract submissions is Wednesday, Note for authors who have already submitted their abstract: You cannot edit your abstract while it is under peer-review (which starts immediately after submission). In order to edit your abstract, you have to wait for the initial decision letter (end March/beginning of April). |
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