iMedicalApps and the 2012 Medicine 2.0 congress are announcing the iMedicalApps & Medicine 2.0 mHealth Research Award, to be presented at the September 2012 Medicine 2.0 Congress. Medicine 2.0 is the premier conference for health, medicine and biomedical researchers and clinicians on social media, mobile apps, and internet/web 2.0. The abstract submission deadline of March 7 is rapidly approaching, so applicants are encouraged to apply soon! Medicine 2.0 is proud to partner with on this - a leading mhealth publication. Details of the award are below and can also be found on the Awards Page. The abstract submission page can be found on the conference website (see Call for Abstracts). The range and breadth of clinical research is rapidly expanding, with many high quality studies now being published in peer reviewed journals. The iMedical Apps & Medicine 2.0 mHealth Research Award will consist of $500 in cash, a medical app bundle worth more than $200 and a feature article on iMedicalApps, after the conference. To qualify for this award, the research should pertain to the use of mobile or wireless technologies in the diagnosis or treatment of disease, healthcare professional communication/care coordination or clinician-directed wellness behavior modification. Papers on telehealth or remote health monitoring will also be considered. Submitting researchers will also adapt their abstract for to be published on iMedicalApps in advance of the conference. A checkbox on the abstract submission page will allow for designation as mobile health research. Full eligibility criteria are available on the Medicine 2.0 conference website. |
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