The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), the leading journal in eHealth with an Impact Factor of 4.7, is the official journal of the Medicine 2.0 congress series and workshops/events/summits produced under this brand. Today, JMIR is proud to publish the first full paper based on a presentation at Medicine 2.0'11 in Stanford. It is based on the award winning presentation of Bassam Kadry at Medicine 2.0'11, and can be found as full paper here: Kadry B, Chu LF, Kadry B, Gammas D, Macario A Analysis of 4999 Online Physician Ratings Indicates That Most Patients Give Physicians a Favorable Rating J Med Internet Res 2011;13(4):e95 URL: doi: 10.2196/jmir.1960 The Multimedia Appendix in this paper is a video of his Medicine 2.0 talk, and is also published as Medicine 2.0/JMIR podcast on itunes. Thanks you to all other presenters who have already submitted a full paper of their talk to JMIR or the Medicine 2.0 Proceedings. Over the course of the next months, these papers will appear either in JMIR or in the Medicine 2.0 Proceedings (as Stanford was unable to sponsor a "Theme Issue" this year, these papers will appear within regular JMIR issues as soon as they are accepted). For details on the Medicine 2.0/JMIR partnership see the Call for Papers which was handed out to all presenters at Medicine 2.0'11 in Stanford (our apologies that the CfP did not make it into the program booklet this year). A short reminder for Medicine 2.0'11 presenters: If you want to take advantage of the significant Article Processing Fee discount for Medicine 2.0 presenters, the deadline to submit the full paper to JMIR is within 2 months after the conference, which is November 18th, 2011. Missed the submission deadline for full papers? No problem! Presenters can submit thir full paper to JMIR at any time later after the deadline, but will then not be able to take advantage of the Article Processing Fee discount. Or submit to the Medicine 2.0 Proceedings (within 6 months after the conference, deadline March 18th, 2012). |
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