The Medicine 2.0 Social Network on this site allows all users of this website to create a profile page and to add relationships with other users, speakers, or attendees of the conference. To become a member of the network you do not have to be a attendee, simply create an account here. While the med2sn is already operational since about 5 months, we just now have added email notifications to the system, i.e. whenever somebody creates a relationship with a user, this user will receive a notification. This can be controlled via Edit My Profile (in addition, there is a URL in the notification email which allows the user to suppress these notifications. As a starting point for the med2sn, click on the menu point SPEAKERS/PARTICIPANTS, and connect to past and current Medicine 2.0 presenters, or click on the list of ABSTRACTS to connect to users with similar research interests (click on the author names to see the authors' profile). To learn more about the Medicine 2.0 Social Network, read this blog entry. |
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