Request for Proposals: Medicine 2.0’13/'14 (Spring/Fall) Conferences & Medicine 2.0® Workshops/Tutorials 2012-2014 The Medicine 2.0® conference series – organized in 2008 and 2009 in Toronto, in 2010 in Maastricht, in 2011 in Stanford, and 2012 in Boston at Harvard – continues to go viral and continues to grow. We have successfully developed the Medicine 2.0. “brand” which is now associated with a premier knowledge translation event in the field of emerging technology and participatory, collaborative, open healthcare. Medicine 2.0® is not only a conference series, but also a digital media series (Medicine 2.0® proceedings, podcast/itunes and YouTube channels), which are used to disseminate talks beyond the audience physically attending the conference. Hosting the Medicine 2.0® conference will allow organizations to position themselves as leaders in the field, and help them showcasing local research, development, and business to a global audience. Apart from building on an existing brand, partnering with Medicine 2.0® allows hosts/organizers to tap into an existing community of almost 40.000 JMIR subscribers and almost 2.000 individuals in the Medicine 2.0 database. Starting in 2011, the Medicine 2.0® conference website will allow social networking of past and present participants, see for example, and an iphone/ipad app is also in preparation. Medicine 2.0® events are cutting-edge, innovative conferences and workshops dedicated to improving health and health care using information and communication technologies, with a focus on web-based technologies and social media. Medicine 2.0® events “walk the talk” in terms of trying to maximize the use of social media in preparation for, during and after the event. Our values include openness, a non-commercial approach, and an “evidence-based” content, beyond the hype often presented in health 2.0 tradeshows. Starting in 2013, we are planning a spring conference in Europe, and a fall conference in the North America, hosted by a local organizing committee, and supported centrally by the original, core Medicine 2.0® team (“producer”). The website will remain at, and the submission and dissemination process will remain centralized, to ensure consistent standards and quality. Organizers interested in becoming involved in hosting these large main conferences are invited to contact the producer to request the full Medicine 2.0 Conference 2013-2015 RFP document. While the spring/fall conference remain the main events, we are now also considering to promote smaller workshops and tutorials under the Medicine 2.0 label. Organizers interested in organizing smaller events should contact the producer for to request the full Workshop/Tutorial RFP document. Contact: Gunther Eysenbach (login to view contact details on the profile page) |
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Medicine 2.0® is happy to support and promote other conferences and workshops in this area. Contact us to produce, disseminate and promote your conference or workshop under this label and in this event series. In addition, we are always looking for hosts of future World Congresses. Medicine 2.0® is a registered trademark of JMIR Publications Inc., the leading academic ehealth publisher.

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