=============== CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: =============== Medicine 2.0’10: 3rd World Congress on Social Media and Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research on November 29-30, 2010 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: http://bit.ly/dCOIeT DEADLINE: May 31st, 2010 As announced earlier this year, the Medicine 2.0® conference – in 2008 and 2009 hosted in Toronto – goes global and will in 2010 be organized in Europe. The University of Twente (UT), the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (UMNC) and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) will host Medicine 2.0 Congress (Medicine 2.0’10: 3rd World Congress on Social Media and Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research) on November 29-30, 2010 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Medicine 2.0® 2010 will be supported by the core Medicine 2.0® team in cooperation with scientists from UT, UMNC and RIVM; the website will remain at http://www.medicine20congress.com, and the submission and dissemination process will remain centralized. Medicine 2.0'10 will serve as an umbrella for REshape (Fall edition, UMNC) and the ‘Supporting health by technology’ (IIIrd edition) symposium series (University of Twente, RIVM). As of today, abstract submissions for the Medicine 2.0'10 congress in Masstricht are open. Medicine 2.0'10 will contain a mix of traditional academic/research, practice and business presentations, keynote presentations, and panel discussions to discuss emerging issues. We strive for an interdisciplinary mix of presenters from different countries and disciplines (e.g. health care, social sciences, computer sciences, engineering, business) and with a different angle (research, practice, and business). Participants are invited to either submit a 500 word abstract to propose a 15 minute single-presenter talk, or can submit a a 500 word panel proposal to present or discuss a topic in a 45-60 min session with 3-4 colleagues from other organizations/institutions (panel proposals with all authors from the same institution or organization are not permitted). All submissions will be considered for one of the Medicine 2.0 Awards, if eligible. To nominate your work for one of the awards, read the award criteria and prepare the abstract as outlined below. Note that in order to be considered for the IMIA Medicine 2.0 Award, a checkbox must be checked on the submission form (consideration for all other awards is automatic). As in previous years, we are very transparent and allow interested parties to track what is being submitted in real time through our RSS feed at http://feeds2.feedburner.com/med2submit (contains the last 10 submissions - slightly delayed). If you follow us on Twitter (http://twitter.com/medicine20) you can also see the titles of recently submitted abstracts. We only require submission of a short abstract, no full papers. However, we are working towards (optional) publication of full papers in PubMed-indexed publications, either in form of a full paper submitted to a special issue of the Journal of Medical Internet Research, or publication of the presentation transcript including the audio/video podcast in a new, electronic forthcoming serial called "Medicine 2.0", indexed in PubMed. If you are interested in either of these options, please check the respective checkboxes in the abstract submission form (subject to additional publication charges). For general questions please contact the conference secretariat at congres@key-cs.nl |
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