Medicine 2.0'09 is over and it was a truly outstanding event. Now make sure you don't miss information on the forthcoming Medicine 2.0'10 and 2.0'11 conferences! While the buzz and conversations on twitter (#med2) and on the blogosphere continues (see for example this blog), a few news and updates: 1. Official blog Each presentation at Medicine 2.0'09 was blogged about on Presenters, please review the blog post and comment on the blogs / add corrections. Blogs were written by health informatics students (and we have to grade them!) - so please give them and us some feedback on the accuracy and informativeness of the posts. 2. Photos: You can view a slideshow of 2009 photos at Photos 2009 The photos are also available on FlickR here. and can be used freely in blog-posts, articles etc (with attribution). 3. Twitter: All tweets with #med2 hashtag have been archived at Medicine 2.0'09 provided extra screens to broadcast the twitter stream live to the conference audience. If you were at the conference, please participate in the following poll: Did you like the idea of twitter screens? 4. Slideshare: An event page has been created and we are asking all presenters to upload their slide-deck here: Medicine 2.0'09 Event on Slideshare We will also upload the presentations we have, but this will take a few weeks. 5. Podcast/itunes: Presentations have been audio and video-recorded, and we will make them accessible over the course of the next 12 months (we still want people to go to the Medicine 2.0 congress, so the participants heard it first...). An audio-podcast of last years' Medicine 2.0'08 is now available at Podcast If you have itunes, enter in your browser, and subscribe to the Medicine 2.0 podcast. Please also enter a podcast rating! 6. We are currently negotiating with two academic groups interesting in hosting Medicine 2.0 in 2010 and 2011, respectively. These venues - one in Europe, one in North-America, will excite you! To stay tuned and to receive updates via email, please login at the Medicine 2.0 site, go to your profile page and mark the 2010/2011 checkboxes (email notification). IMPORTANT: If you received updates for the 2009 congress this does not mean you will automatically receive updates on future conferences. Your 2010/20111 checkboxes must be switched on (by default they are off)! Thanks to everybody for making Medicine 2.0'09 such a resounding success. To stay informed, sign up for the 2010 and 2011 mailing lists by changing your profile. Gunther Eysenbach Chair, Medicine 2.0'09 & Conference Series Producer "I'd never been to #Med2 Medicine 2.0, but I haven't yet seen a medical conference with such a constant stream of good stuff" (ePatientDave) |
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Medicine 2.0® is happy to support and promote other conferences and workshops in this area. Contact us to produce, disseminate and promote your conference or workshop under this label and in this event series. In addition, we are always looking for hosts of future World Congresses. Medicine 2.0® is a registered trademark of JMIR Publications Inc., the leading academic ehealth publisher.

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