NEWS The Conference is less than a week away and we are all getting very excited! - The Medicine 2.0 Final Program and Proceedings (PDFs) are now published at ! (will go to print tomorrow - if you find errors, please let us know immediately) - We are happy to announce that Chia Hwu from has joined the "Young Innovators Panel" - we quietly added Medicine 2.0 Session chairs added to the schedule - if you are listed as chair, make sure you are available (primary role of chairs is to introduce speakers and to monitor time) - Information for presenters is at - If you are interested in organizing the spring 2010 Medicine 2.0 conference, you have 5 more days to submit a proposal - RFP is at - If you haven't registered yet, online registration closes soon - and there is an extra $100 fee for on-site registration - so register now at ! - take advantage of the social network to make pre-conference connections (connect to people you'd like to meet): - contact us if you want to become an official blogger on our blog site: Looking forward seeing you soon! |
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