Request for Proposals: Seeking Local Organizers for Medicine 2.0’10 and Medicine 2.0’11 Conferences FULL POST AT: FULL RFP AT: The Medicine 2.0® conference – organized in 2008 and 2009 in Toronto – will go on a world-tour and goes global and viral. Starting in 2010, Medicine 2.0 conferences will be locally organized in different countries/venues, branded as regional conferences (Medicine 2.0-EUROPE or Medicine 2.0-ASIA), supported centrally by the original, core Medicine 2.0® team (the website will remain at, and the submission and dissemination process will remain centralized, to ensure consistent standards and quality). We are looking for organizers/local organizing committees who are interested in locally organizing a Medicine 2.0 conference in the coming years. The Medicine 2.0/Health 2.0 movement is global. Even more generally speaking, the need to restructure or at least complement current health and health care systems to harness information and communication technologies is universal – the need to be more open and transparent, to encourage end user participation and to harness the “wisdom of the crowds” As such, there is a need to communicate, to share experiences, and to coordinate and collaborate among different projects and organizations. The aim of Medicine 2.0® is to provide a global platform to foster this exchange, in collaboration with existing organizations and individuals in the field. Medicine 2.0® is a successful conference series which started with two conferences in Toronto in 2008 and 2009. Our values include openness, a non-commercial approach, and an “evidence-based” content, beyond the hype often presented in health 2.0 tradeshows. For 2010 and subsequent years, we are envisioning to “franchise” this congress concept to other conference venues and organizers. For example, a Medicine 2.0’10 Europe, a Medicine 2.0’10 Asia, a Medicine 2.0’10 Australia, a Medicine 2.0’10 Americas, and even a Medicine 2.0'10 Africa congress have been suggested (the latter is already in preparation, for Cape Town as venue, paired with Medinfo2010). We prefer Medicine 2.0® congresses to be stand-alone events, but will also consider proposals having a Medicine 2.0® congresses paired with other conferences or events. In this Request for Proposals we are seeking proposals from individuals or teams interested in organizing and hosting one of the next Medicine 2.0® congresses. We prefer to receive proposals from individuals or organizations with prior experience in putting together conferences. We also prefer to have the conference organizers attend the Medicine 2.0’09 congress in Toronto. The following conditions will be part of the agreement between the local conference organizers and the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation (Gunther Eysenbach): • Medicine 2.0® follows an active philosophy of openness. That means, all conference materials must be made available under a Creative Commons license. Local conference organizers do not own the copyright of the presentations • While local Medicine 2.0® conference organizers should aim to break even, they fully assume the financial risks with organizing the conference, but in return get to keep any excess revenues/profit made. • Medicine 2.0® must retain an academic focus, with a call for papers for presentations in a research, business, and practice track. Medicine 2.0® also stands for a consistent level of quality, hence the abstract submission and selection process will be centrally managed through at the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, which will also provide technical and general support and guidance for conference organizers. The program will be developed in collaboration with the local organizers. All information about the conference will be posted on this website – conference organizers are not allowed to set up their own sites. Local conference organizers must budget a fixed Licensing and Support Fee of US$25k payable to the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation for central website management, handling the abstract submission system and registrations, and general support services (we’re not making any money with this, but have to pay salaries too). This fee includes a license to use the Medicine 2.0® trademark. The fee is payable in advance, on signing the agreement, and is non-refundable. • Proposed venues must have facilities for Internet access, and must be equipped to audio (preferably also video-) record the presentations. Audio/Video files of all Medicine 2.0® presentations will be made available on iTunes. • Medicine 2.0® Conferences can be organized throughout the year, and proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis, but should be made at least 6 months in advance of the proposed conference date. If you envision Spring 2010 as a conference date, please ensure that your proposal is submitted by Sept 15th, 2009. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE ATTACHMENT AT FOR A DESCRIPTION OF WHAT TO INCLUDE IN THE PROPOSAL Please submit your proposal to geysenba at gmail dot com. Proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis, but should be made at least 6 months in advance of the proposed conference date (ideally more than a year in advance). The submission deadline for spring 2010 conference proposals is Sept 15th, 2009. Together with you, we hope to turn the Medicine 2.0® conference series into a worldwide movement and a brand standing for cutting-edge, innovative conferences and workshops dedicated to improving health and health care using information and communication technologies, with a focus on web-based technologies and social media. Contact: Gunther Eysenbach MD MPH Centre for Global eHealth Innovation Email: geysenba at gmail com |
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Medicine 2.0® is happy to support and promote other conferences and workshops in this area. Contact us to produce, disseminate and promote your conference or workshop under this label and in this event series. In addition, we are always looking for hosts of future World Congresses. Medicine 2.0® is a registered trademark of JMIR Publications Inc., the leading academic ehealth publisher.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.