Please see schedule for details on your presentation date/time/room (except posters). Oral presenters should prepare 15 minute talks (+ 5 minute discussion). Panels may have different arrangements - contact your panel organizer (When in doubt, divide the time of your session by the number of presenters and you'll get the approximate time per presenter including discussion). Some 90 min session slots have only 3 talks - in this case presenters have 20 mins + 10 min discussion time. We will provide a presentation laptop (PC) - presenters are asked to bring their presentation (Powerpoint file) on a USB thumb drive and copy it to the presentation laptop (at the latest in the morning or the break before their session). Please name your file as follows: day-room-time-lastname.ppt . E.g. 17-cr2-1330-amin.ppt refers to a presentation on the 17th, in room CR2, at 1:30 pm by the first author Amin. 18-aud-1530-dzenowagis.ppt would be a presentation in the Auditorium at 3:30 pm by Dzenowagis, and so on (see schedule). We do have wireless Internet connection, but we advise not to rely on a working connection for presentations - prepare screenshots instead. We will also provide extra screens showing #med2 tagged Tweets, so you can involve the audience by asking questions. It is NOT necessary to submit PPTs in advance - bring them on a USB drive to the conference. Poster presenters should be advised that poster boards are 6ft (wide) by 3 ft (height). Do not use push pins - velcro only! (please bring velcro tape). Presenters at the unconference session should preferably present without Powerpoint slides, and limit their intervention to 15 min. If you plan to talk during the unconference session, please add a note at |
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